“Passenger Claims WestJet Refused to Assist After Suffering Medical Emergency Mid-Flight”

By | October 19, 2024
WestJet Strikes Disrupt Travel Across Canada, Affecting Thousands

In a distressing incident that has sparked significant outrage among travelers and advocates for passenger rights, a WestJet passenger has come forward with allegations that the airline’s crew failed to provide necessary assistance during a medical emergency mid-flight. This incident raises important questions about airline policies regarding passenger safety, the responsibilities of airline staff, and the need for adequate medical training in emergency situations.

The Incident

The incident in question occurred on a recent WestJet flight from Toronto to Vancouver. According to the passenger, Sarah Thompson, who was traveling to visit family, she began experiencing severe chest pains approximately one hour into the flight. As a middle-aged woman with a history of anxiety and occasional panic attacks, Thompson initially believed her symptoms were stress-related. However, as the pain intensified and other symptoms developed, she realized that she might be facing a more serious medical issue.

Thompson immediately pressed the call button to alert the flight attendants. When a crew member arrived, she explained her symptoms, which included difficulty breathing, dizziness, and radiating pain in her chest. Thompson claims that instead of offering assistance, the crew member downplayed her situation, stating that it was “just anxiety” and suggesting she take deep breaths to calm down.

Despite her worsening condition, Thompson alleges that the crew did not offer to notify medical professionals on the ground or seek advice on how to proceed. After several minutes of distress, she was finally able to convince a different crew member to contact the airline’s operations center. By that time, however, Thompson felt increasingly lightheaded and scared for her life.

Lack of Assistance

As the situation escalated, Thompson noticed that several passengers around her began to express concern. A doctor on board offered to help, but she claims that the flight attendants hesitated, indicating they were unsure how to proceed. The doctor attempted to assess Thompson’s condition but was unable to obtain any information from the crew about whether there were medical supplies available on the aircraft or if they had communicated with ground medical services.

Thompson’s experience highlights a troubling lack of preparedness among flight attendants to handle medical emergencies. While airlines are required to have certain medical equipment on board, including first-aid kits and automated external defibrillators (AEDs), the effective use of these tools often depends on the training and confidence of the crew.

Emergency Protocols and Training

Airlines typically have established protocols for handling medical emergencies, which may include contacting ground-based medical professionals for advice and assistance. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) require that flight crews receive training in first aid, CPR, and the use of medical equipment. However, reports suggest that the level of training and preparedness may vary significantly between airlines.

The incident with Thompson raises important questions about WestJet’s training procedures and emergency protocols. In a statement, WestJet acknowledged that crew members are trained to handle medical emergencies but did not comment specifically on Thompson’s claims.

Travel experts emphasize the importance of airline staff being well-versed in recognizing the signs of a medical emergency and knowing how to respond effectively. Many advocates for passenger safety argue that more rigorous training programs and simulations should be implemented to ensure that crews can handle real-life emergencies with confidence and competence.

Passenger Reactions and Advocacy

Thompson’s experience has drawn considerable attention on social media and among passenger rights advocates. Many individuals shared their own experiences of medical emergencies on flights, some echoing Thompson’s sentiment that airline staff often appear ill-equipped to handle urgent situations.

“Flying should not be a gamble with your health,” said Jane Miller, a consumer rights advocate. “Airlines need to prioritize passenger safety and ensure their crews are trained to respond effectively to medical emergencies.”

The controversy surrounding this incident has prompted calls for WestJet to improve its medical emergency protocols and increase training for flight attendants. Advocacy groups are urging the airline to provide better resources for its staff, including more comprehensive training in first aid, emergency medical response, and communication with passengers experiencing medical crises.

The Aftermath

Following the incident, Thompson was able to stabilize her condition with the help of the doctor on board. Upon landing, she was transported to a nearby hospital, where she underwent tests to determine the cause of her symptoms. Fortunately, her condition was diagnosed as non-life-threatening, attributed to a combination of anxiety and stress.

Despite the positive outcome for Thompson, the emotional toll of the experience has lingered. She described feeling humiliated and frustrated by the lack of support from the flight crew during a time of vulnerability. “I was scared and felt like no one was taking my situation seriously,” she stated. “In that moment, all I needed was reassurance and help, and I didn’t get it.”

Industry Implications

Thompson’s experience raises broader implications for the airline industry. As air travel becomes increasingly common, the number of passengers with pre-existing medical conditions or those at risk of emergencies on flights is likely to rise. Airlines must adapt to this reality by ensuring that their crews are equipped to handle a diverse range of medical situations.

Additionally, the incident may prompt regulatory bodies to reevaluate training requirements for airline personnel. Increased scrutiny could lead to more standardized training programs across the industry, improving the overall quality of care provided to passengers.


The claims made by Sarah Thompson against WestJet highlight a crucial area of concern within the airline industry. While most flights operate without incident, the reality is that medical emergencies can and do occur. Passengers should have confidence that airline crews are prepared to respond effectively to such situations, ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone on board.

As the story of Thompson’s distressing experience continues to unfold, it serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and vigilance in the airline industry. Travelers deserve the assurance that they will receive appropriate care in emergencies, and airlines must take proactive steps to fulfill that duty of care.

Moving forward, WestJet and other airlines will need to consider how they can improve their policies and training to better protect their passengers, ensuring that no one else has to endure a situation like Thompson’s without the necessary support and assistance.

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