Passenger claims she was kicked off flight for using the bathroom ‘too many times’

By | September 7, 2024
B.C.-based class-action lawsuit targets 1-year expiry on WestJet travel credits

A recent incident involving a passenger, Joanna Chiu, has raised concerns about airline policies and passenger treatment. Chiu alleges that she was removed from a WestJet flight in Mexico earlier this month for using the bathroom frequently before takeoff.

Allegations of Removal

Chiu took to social media to share her experience, stating that her “upset stomach” led to multiple trips to the bathroom. She claims that this prompted airline staff to remove her from the flight, despite her having medication and being on the mend. Chiu expressed disappointment over the lack of assistance from the airline, stating that she was neither offered a hotel stay nor a rebooked flight.

Chiu further alleged that she accidentally left her money on the plane while disembarking in a rush. When she asked the airline to cover her taxi fare to a hotel, she claimed that they refused. The situation escalated when a WestJet supervisor, according to Chiu, called a guard over to intimidate her. She claimed that she was only provided with assistance after she broke down in tears.

Chiu’s post on social media read, “Just got kicked off a @WestJet flight from Mexico because I had an upset stomach and was going to the washroom too much before takeoff. No promise of a hotel or rebooked flight. I had meds and was on the mend. Some customer service.”

“In my rush to get off plane alone, I left my money with travel companions and @WestJet supervisor refused to pay for my taxi to a hotel 20 min away. He called a guard over to intimidate me but when I burst into tears the guard assessed rightly that the Westjet dude was the a**hole.”

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