‘I need a lawyer’: Teenage girl has Twitter meltdown after tweeting terror threat to American Airlines

By | August 27, 2024

If you’ve got a few things on your mind tonight, spare a thought for this teenage girl.

The 14-year-old decided to send an extremely ill-advised threatening tweet to American Airlines.

The girl, whose profile says she is called Sarah, wrote: “Hello, my name is Ibrahim and I am from Afghanistan.

“I am part of Al Qaeda and on June 1 I am gonna do something really big bye.”

However, the airline quickly replied to the youngster, prompting her to go into a Twitter meltdown.

American Airlines quickly responded by saying: “Sarah, we take these threats very seriously. Your IP address and details will be forwarded to security and the FBI.”

This resulted in the teenager clearly panicking and issuing a number of tweets to say she “was kidding”.

She wrote: “I am f*****g 14 years old. Do they think I am gonna blow up a plane or something? I am just stupid, okay.”

Clearly worried, she added: “OMG. Someone is knocking on the door. Maybe it is the FBI. OMG.”

She also wrote later: “I need a lawyer. Any lawyers on here?”

Her tweets were quickly retweeted with the teenager gaining more than 13,000 followers.

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