Comprehensive ESG Strategy Drives Progress on Key Issues and Positions American Airlines for Long-Term Success

By | August 1, 2024

Our efforts across all these areas are integral to running a reliable operation and a resilient, profitable enterprise that will thrive over the long term.

We have long recognized the importance of environmental, social and governance issues and have developed an integrated and transparent approach to related oversight, management, measurement, assurance and reporting. We believe we are making progress, but we continue to look to best practices within and outside our industry as we refine and strengthen our approach.

Our Priority Sustainability Issues

We periodically conduct sustainability-focused materiality assessment processes that serve as the foundation of our analysis of areas of sustainability risk and opportunity. We conducted our most recent process in early 2023, which affirmed our priority issues. As part of the process, we also identified responsible sourcing as a topic of growing importance, so we have added content on our sourcing policies and practices to this year’s sustainability report.

Through ongoing engagement across our company and with a broad range of external stakeholders, we annually validate and, as needed, refine our assessment based on the input we receive and on changes in our operating environment. We also continually monitor trends, standards, regulatory developments and practices relevant to our industry to inform our areas of focus.

These activities have affirmed our focus on the following priority sustainability issues:

Safety • Human capital

Customer satisfaction and operational performance

Climate change and fuel efficiency

Driving progress across all these issues is a key objective for American. We also recognize that the business landscape is evolving rapidly and that we must be ready to address new areas of concern if or when they emerge.

Member of Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Powered by the S&P Global CSA

In 2023, American Airlines was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the first time, and we are one of only two passenger airlines included. DJSI World comprises global sustainability leaders as identified by S&P Global through the Corporate Sustainability Assessment. It represents the top 10% of the largest 2,500 companies in the S&P Global Broad Market Index based on long-term economic, environmental and social criteria. American was also included in the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index for the third year in a row.

Management and Governance of Sustainability Topics

American takes a coordinated approach to governance of sustainability issues, including climate-related risks and opportunities. It begins with Board-level oversight and extends to our day-to-day operations.

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