Terrifying video emerges of turbulent American Airlines flight forced into emergency landing

By | August 25, 2024

“I love my family,” the man behind the camera said. “I love my family very much. And this is the most frightening thing I’ve ever seen.”

Somewhere in the plane, bouncing to and fro, was a woman who was wailing something fierce. Others screamed. Everyone rocked madly as turbulence slammed the plane again and again. “What’s happening?” someone yelled. “Looks like we’re going to make an emergency landing now in Tokyo,” the man said. “We are rapidly descending!”

This was the terrifying scene shot by one passenger aboard an American Airlines flight en route to Dallas from South Korea. Seventy-five minutes into that flight, terrible turbulence forced an emergency landing in Tokyo. At least 12 passengers were injured, five of whom needed hospital care.

Pictures captured of its aftermath show a plane splattered with spilled wine, chests knocked over and items scattered all over the aisles. Its flight path shows a mad turnaround when the plane was over Japan’s eastern shores — and a beeline back for land.

The passengers just seemed happy they made it out alive. “We were eating and all the food just flew up in the air and pretty much bounced off and fell,” one passenger told TV Tokyo, the Guardian reported. “There were carts all over the place.”

So what happened? The Weather Channel reported it may have had something to do with a “powerful winter storm developing over Japan.” With it came “ribbons” of winds that blew into the jet at speeds of 240 mph. “It has become a meteorological ‘bomb,’” the report said.

And the 240 passengers and 15 crew members onboard the American Airlines flight were caught in the middle of it. When the plane finally landed at Narita International Airport, the passengers said they were dazed, though none sustained a life-threatening injury. One passenger, according to local media, had a broken arm. One flight attendant hit his head on the ceiling after turbulence hurled him into it, the BBC said.

“American’s primary concern at this time is for our passengers and crew on board the airplane,” the airline said in a statement. “Our team in Narita is providing assistance.”

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