When The Gate Agent Wishes You A Great Flight And You Say, “You Too…”

By | August 15, 2024

I find the United Airlines’ social media team pretty adept and I love a new video out today that humorously reminds us not to say “you too” when the gate agent wishes us a great flight.
Most of us have been in a situation where we are lining up to board our flight and get to the front to scan our boarding pass. The gate agent wishes us a great flight and instinctively, without giving it a second thought, we respond back, “You too!”

(and then realize our error a moment later while walking down the jetbridge…Thankfully, it has been many years since I’ve done it, but I certainly have…and I love this video because my reaction is much the same when I make gaffes like that…

I was at a high school reunion recently and I totally blanked on one of my English teachers. Like, I walked right past her when she was talking to another one of my English teachers and didn’t even acknowledge her (and it wasn’t because she had aged poorly…

she had aged quite well). Then like a fool, I asked her if she was the daughter of the other English teacher (in my defense, we were all wearing nametags, they shared the same name as the daughter, and she had gotten married since I was in her class and had a different surname). She said, “Hey Matthew, don’t you remember me?!”Oh goodness, I still find myself thinking about it weeks later and turning red. I pride myself on being good with names and remembering faces…but I totally failed here. It was SO embarrassing and we even had a great conversation after.

Anyway, that was far worse than saying “you too” to the gate agent, but within the same gambit of Rick Perry moments…So well done, United. You made me laugh…and you made me cringe. Because I’ve made this mistake too and some far worse…

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