Tag Archives: United Airlines CEO Makes Promises as Apology Tour Hits Good Morning America

United Airlines CEO Makes Promises as Apology Tour Hits Good Morning America

From a public relations perspective, United CEO had to get out there on TV so the public could view his remorse. Written statements wouldn’t suffice. He’s now saying a lot of the right things. Amid one of the worst public relations disasters in United Airlines’ history, CEO said the incident in Chicago represented a system… Read More »

United Airlines CEO Makes Promises as Apology Tour Hits Good Morning America

Skift Take From a public relations perspective, United CEO Munoz had to get out there on TV so the public could view his remorse. Written statements wouldn’t suffice. He’s now saying a lot of the right things. Amid one of the worst public relations disasters in United Airlines’ history, CEO Oscar Munoz said the incident… Read More »

United Airlines CEO Makes Promises as Apology Tour Hits Good Morning America

Skift Take From a public relations perspective, United CEO Munoz had to get out there on TV so the public could view his remorse. Written statements wouldn’t suffice. He’s now saying a lot of the right things.Amid one of the worst public relations disasters in United Airlines’ history, CEO Oscar Munoz said the incident in… Read More »

United Airlines CEO Makes Promises as Apology Tour Hits Good Morning America

From a public relations perspective, United CEO Munoz had to get out there on TV so the public could view his remorse. Written statements wouldn’t suffice. He’s now saying a lot of the right things. — United Airlines CEO Makes Promises as Apology Tour Hits Good Morning America In a move to regain public trust… Read More »