Man drives truck onto field at Colorado Buffaloes’ stadium

By | September 14, 2024

In a shocking sequence of events on Thursday evening, a 48-year-old man from Massachusetts, identified as Karl Haglund, was arrested in Boulder, Colorado after a series of hit-and-run crashes ended with his truck being driven onto the University of Colorado’s Folsom Field. The incident unfolded in dramatic fashion and left local authorities scrambling to contain the situation, which caused considerable alarm both on and off the CU Boulder campus.

Around 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, Boulder Police received reports about several hit-and-run incidents involving the same blue pickup truck. Witnesses described a chaotic scene where Haglund allegedly hit multiple vehicles, damaged trees, and struck a sign before attempting to flee. The spree of crashes reportedly occurred near a highly trafficked area of Boulder, and many bystanders witnessed the series of reckless collisions.

Several onlookers, alarmed by the driver’s behavior, attempted to intervene and prevent him from leaving the scene. One brave individual narrowly avoided being struck by the pickup truck during these efforts to stop the driver from escaping.

Police officers were quickly dispatched to the area and attempted to halt the vehicle. Despite their efforts, Haglund evaded law enforcement and continued driving recklessly. The pursuit intensified as officers from the Boulder Police Department tracked the truck to a location near Colorado Avenue and 28th Street.

At this point, CU Boulder Police joined in the chase when the pickup truck was spotted in the vicinity of Stadium Drive, close to the university’s football stadium, Folsom Field.

In an alarming twist, Haglund rammed his truck through a security gate to gain access to the stadium. Folsom Field, a prominent feature of the CU Boulder campus, is home to the university’s football team, the Colorado Buffaloes. The sight of a truck crashing onto the field drew the attention of campus security and local authorities, leading to an emergency alert being issued.

Just before 7:20 p.m., the University of Colorado Boulder sent out a public safety alert on social media platforms, urging people to avoid the area due to the heavy police presence around the stadium. The emergency alert was a precautionary measure to keep the public informed, as police continued to pursue Haglund.

The pursuit reached its climax when Haglund, after causing damage to the field, exited his truck on the football field and surrendered to police officers without further resistance. Thankfully, no one was injured during the entire sequence of events, and the Boulder Police Department quickly moved to secure the area.

After his arrest, Boulder Police charged Karl Haglund with a series of offenses, reflecting the gravity of the incident and the risks posed to the public. The charges include:

– Criminal attempt vehicular assault – for endangering lives by driving recklessly and nearly striking a person who tried to stop him.
– Reckless endangerment – for his overall behavior, which jeopardized the safety of others.
– Vehicular eluding – for evading police officers during the chase.
– Leaving the scene of a crash after damage (three counts) – for the multiple hit-and-run collisions.
– Failure to obey a traffic control device – a result of ignoring traffic rules while fleeing.
– Driving without insurance – for operating the vehicle without proper coverage.
– Criminal mischief ($100,000 – $150,000 in damage) – for the significant damage done to property, including the trees, sign, and Folsom Field gate.
– Obstruction of a peace officer – for resisting law enforcement’s attempts to stop him.
– Trespassing – for driving onto Folsom Field without permission.

Although the incident was resolved with Haglund’s arrest and no injuries were reported, the situation caused considerable disruption. The University of Colorado Boulder reassured the community that the campus was safe, emphasizing that there was no ongoing threat. Boulder Police have continued to investigate the incident, asking anyone with further information or who believes they were a victim of the hit-and-run spree to come forward and assist in the inquiry.

The decision to issue multiple charges against Haglund reflects the seriousness of his actions, which endangered not only the lives of pedestrians and drivers but also damaged public property. The incident has left a lasting impact on the community, with many students and residents still processing the shocking turn of events.

In the aftermath of the crash, Boulder Police are seeking any additional witnesses who might have observed the events leading up to Haglund’s arrest. They are especially interested in speaking with individuals who were directly involved in the hit-and-run crashes or who might have narrowly avoided harm. The department has encouraged anyone with pertinent information to contact their dispatch office at 303-441-3333.

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