In tiny Shanksville, where United Flight 93 crashed, residents sprang,Is Part Of Who We Are

By | August 25, 2024

The crash of the four airplanes on Sept. 11, 2001, meant a little something more to first lady Jill Biden. Her sister is a flight attendant.

“I thought of my sister, Bonnie who is with me here today. She is a flight attendant,” Biden said Sunday morning at the Flight 93 National Memorial ceremony. “She hadn’t just lost colleagues, she lost friends. She has pride that her fellow flight attendants and passengers took part in fighting back.”Biden was one of several speakers to mark the 21st anniversary of the crash of United Flight 93 in a field near Shanksville on 9/11. More than 50 flight attendants and pilots attended the ceremony.

“To the flight attendants, America sees your dedication and are grateful for it,” she said. “This is a beautiful and meaningful remembrance.”Biden and Bonnie Jacobs also took part in a flight attendants memorial ceremony along the Wall of Names after the official observance. At one point, while Jeff Heisey, United MEC secretary treasurer, choked up during his opening remarks, Biden went to stand beside him and comfort him.

Biden also spoke to the Shanksville and surrounding community of Somerset County for embracing the families andYou have stories of hope of humanity that shined through the inhumanity of that day. Of the generosity of all the people here in Somerset County who donated what they could to state and federal law enforcement. And welcomed mourners with care and consideration to their hometown,” she said.”9-11 touched us all. It changed us all. And it reminds us that with courage and kindness we can be a light in that darkness,”

Biden said. “This is the legacy we must carry forward. Hope that defies hate. Love that defies loss. And the ties that hold us together through it all.”Another speaker, Connie Hasenei, great-niece of passenger Patricia Cushing, was 2 years old the last time she saw her great-aunt..

She is now a college graduate. She said those who were too little to know or weren’t even born yet on Sept. 11, 2001, are not as familiar with what happened that day. But her story of Flight 93 is personal.She said often she has to remind others her age who ask if there were people on the planes or how many planes were taken over by terrorists, “I tell them there were three sites that day.” she said. “My generation does not remember. Those 40 were heroes and should never be forgotten. I’m truly amazed that these passengers who had no connection to each other got together and created a plan.”She said she’s donated Flight 93 flags to schools and came to help plant trees. In fact, she planted the very last tree of the 150,000 seedlings planted at the Flight 93 National Memorial.

“We could not have asked for a better final resting place for our loved ones,” she said.Stephen M. Clark, National Park Service superintendent, said the memorial is a place where the stories of the 40 people is told and will be remembered.

“Forty individuals could not have imagined what they would face. Passengers and crew met the crises with valor and distinction,” he said.

He gave full credit to the National Park Service employees, the Flight 93 Ambassadors and to the communities for supporting the park.

“We could not do each and every day without these communities,” he said.Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland speaks to an audience Sunday was the 21st anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, at the Flight 93 National Memorial.
Ginny Barnett, one of 45 volunteer ambassadors, also spoke about her experience and thoughts about Sept. 11, 2001.

“I have seen first hand the evil that man can do. I have also seen the good man can do,” she said. Barnett said she has hope for the future because of God’s grace and heroes such as those on Flight 93.Capt. Christopher A. Brown, commanding officer of the USS Somerset, and members of the crew attended the ceremony. The USS Somerset is one of three ships that serve as a reminder of the Sept. 11 events. The other two are the USS Arlington and the USS New York.

“We are honored to represent Somerset County and the heroes of Flight 93,” said Capt. Brown. “We will continue to help current and future generations understand that individual choices make a difference, that compassion and sacrifice can triumph over evil and hate, and that the actions of the heroes of Flight 93 is one of the most courageous acts in American history.”He reminded those attending that the memorial is our responsibility to keep going so future generations will remember what happened on Sept. 11

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