Boulder mom whose son died by suicide reflects on his life.. Pressed Charges,Says Her Son Was Under Pressure due to the school.

By | September 15, 2024

On Kim Mooney’s most recent program on death and dying, she spoke with Melissa, a mom whose son died by suicide and with Katie McGee, Mental Health Specialist with the Boulder Valley School District.

A Boulder mother, devastated by the loss of her son to suicide, recently shared her reflections on his life and the struggles that led to his tragic death. This heart-wrenching story serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding mental health and the importance of reaching out for help during difficult times.

Her son, a bright and compassionate young man, had been battling inner turmoil for years. Despite his academic success, friendships, and a seemingly bright future, he was silently struggling with mental health challenges. “He was so full of potential, but there was always a part of him that was hurting,” the mother recounted.

Growing up in Boulder, her son excelled in school and was actively involved in sports and extracurricular activities. Friends and teachers admired him for his kindness and creativity. But beneath the surface, he battled depression and anxiety—something his family had been aware of, but the extent of his suffering was hidden.

As she reflects on the signs that were missed, the mother hopes to raise awareness of the importance of mental health support, especially for young people. “He wore a mask so well,” she said tearfully. “We thought he was getting better, that he had found ways to cope. But we missed the silent cries for help.”

In the months leading up to his death, her son had been seeing a therapist and appeared to be on the road to recovery. Yet, the internal pain became too much for him to bear. His death left the family and the entire community in shock. “We felt like we failed him,” she confessed, a sentiment that haunts many families who endure such a tragic loss.

The mother has since become an advocate for mental health awareness, working to ensure that other families don’t have to experience the same devastating loss. She has spoken at local schools, sharing her son’s story to encourage open conversations about mental health and the signs of depression.

“We need to change the way we talk about mental health, especially with our young men,” she emphasized. “There’s so much pressure to appear strong and capable. But it’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to not be okay.”

In memory of her son, the family has also established a foundation dedicated to providing mental health resources and support to local youth. The foundation’s mission is to ensure that young people have access to the help they need before it’s too late. Through education, outreach, and community programs, the foundation aims to break the stigma surrounding mental health and prevent other families from experiencing the same heartbreak.

As the Boulder community rallies around this grieving family, the mother’s message is clear: mental health struggles should never be faced alone. By sharing her son’s story, she hopes to shine a light on the need for better mental health care and support systems, urging everyone to check in on their loved ones and offer a listening ear to those who may be suffering in silence.

Help is Available:
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, resources are available. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 1-800-273-8255, offering free and confidential support for individuals in distress.

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