Passengers, Flight Attendant Hurt When American Airlines Flight From NYC To Miami Encounters Severe Turbulence

By | August 10, 2024

an extremely bumpy ride for passengers heading to Miami Friday.

American Airlines Flight 1410 left LaGuardia Airport shortly after 8 a.m. and landed in Miami at 11:30 a.m.

About 40 minutes before landing, the flight encountered severe turbulence, the airline said in a extremely bumpy ride for passengers heading to Miami Friday.

Passengers, Flight Attendant Injured During Severe Turbulence on American Airlines Flight

The seatbelt sign was on at the time. The flight landed without incident and safely taxied to the gate. Five passengers were evaluated by paramedics on arrival and were released. One flight attendant was transported to a local hospital for further evaluation,” American spokesperson Alexis Aran Coello said.

There were 159 people on board the Boeing 737.


January 15, 2015 — A routine American Airlines flight from New York City to Miami turned chaotic when severe turbulence injured several passengers and a flight attendant. The incident occurred at approximately 30,000 feet, shaking the aircraft and its occupants during a stormy stretch of the journey.

**Incident Details**

Flight 672 departed from John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) early Thursday morning, carrying 150 passengers and six crew members on board. As the aircraft flew over the Atlantic Ocean, it encountered unexpected and severe turbulence. Passengers described the experience as sudden and violent, with the plane dropping several hundred feet in mere seconds.

“We were just cruising along when, out of nowhere, the plane jolted violently. People were screaming, and some were thrown from their seats,” said one passenger. “It felt like the plane was falling out of the sky.”

The turbulence was strong enough to cause injuries. Several passengers sustained minor injuries, while a flight attendant was seriously hurt when she was thrown against the ceiling and then back onto the floor of the aircraft. The injured were treated by fellow passengers with medical training until the plane landed.

**Emergency Response**

The flight crew quickly brought the situation under control, securing loose items and ensuring that everyone was safely seated. The pilot made an announcement, urging passengers to remain calm and stay seated with their seatbelts fastened. Despite the frightening experience, the crew’s professionalism helped to ease tensions on board.

Upon arrival at Miami International Airport (MIA), emergency medical personnel were waiting to assist the injured. The flight attendant was transported to a nearby hospital for further treatment, while other passengers received care at the airport.


American Airlines issued a statement expressing their concern for those injured and commending the flight crew for their swift response during the unexpected turbulence. “The safety and well-being of our passengers and crew are our top priorities,” the statement read. “We are cooperating with the relevant authorities to investigate this incident and ensure that our high safety standards are maintained.”

Turbulence, while common during flights, rarely results in injuries. However, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of keeping seatbelts fastened at all times during a flight, even when the seatbelt sign is turned off.

**Investigation Underway**

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has launched an investigation into the incident. While turbulence is often unavoidable and unpredictable, the FAA will review flight data and weather conditions to determine if any factors could have been anticipated or mitigated. The investigation may take several weeks to complete.

Passengers were understandably shaken by the experience, but many expressed gratitude for the crew’s efforts in handling the situation. “It was terrifying, but the crew did everything they could to keep us safe,” one passenger said.

Flight 672’s ordeal highlights the unpredictable nature of air travel and the critical role of flight crews in ensuring passenger safety, even under the most challenging conditions.

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