Woman Shares The Apology Gift From American Airlines For Losing Her Luggage

By | August 4, 2024

Maybe not the best gift, but it had her laughing!

After American Airlines lost a passenger’s luggage, the company sent her an apology gift. However, once she received and opened what was inside the package, the woman could not help but laugh as she went through its contents.

Instead of an apology gift, it appeared to be more of a toiletry bag filled with feminine hygiene and self-care products.

American Airlines sent the woman a bag filled with self-care products after they lost her luggage.
In a TikTok video that has been viewed over 1 million times, frequent traveler Meredith Dean revealed what her friend Kelly received from American Airlines as compensation after they lost her checked luggage in Miami.

The two women couldn’t help but giggle as they unpacked the gift bag. To give you the rundown, it consisted of hygiene and self-care products, including a razor, a stick of deodorant (that didn’t work), a bottle of shaving cream, a hairbrush, a toothbrush and toothpaste, a “refreshing towelette,” and hand and body lotion.

They also sent an apology notecard.

“Dear valued customer, please accept our sincere apology for the delay of your luggage. Be assured every effort is being made to recover your property and return it to you as soon as possible.”

“We realize this delay is an inconvenience, but hope you’ll find the contents of this amenities kit to be useful.”

While the women laughed over the bag’s contents, they also pointed out that it was missing some key products, including shampoo, conditioner, and tampons.

Others also found the apology gift to be outrageously hilarious, believing that American Airlines could have done better.
“This is hilarious cause this is all stuff you would have in your carry-on anyway, not the checked bag that’s lost,” one TikTok user commented.

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