United and America Airlines can remove you from a flight for dozens of reasons you agree to

By | July 19, 2024
Tourism Saved As American Airlines Finally Strikes Deal With Flight Attendants Union.

Bare feet. Appearing intoxicated. Smelling bad. United Airlines can remove passengers from flights for dozens of reasons. And each provision is detailed in the nearly 37,000-word document called a “contract of carriage” that every passenger accepts when buying a ticket.

United’s dispute with a passenger forcibly removed from a Sunday flight shines a spotlight on the contracts that set rules and expectations between carriers and travelers.

“Those contracts are well thought through. They are generally fair and balanced, and they reflect the market,” said Roy Goldberg, a partner at Steptoe & Johnson who practices aviation law in Washington, D.C. “As a general matter, passengers have rights, but airlines have rights, too.”

After Congress deregulated the airline industry in 1978, there are three things that govern a carrier’s relationship with its passengers: contracts of carriage, the U.S. Department of Transportation and laws approved by Congress.

Lawmakers dictate some policies, such as prohibiting smoking on flights. The department sets others under its authority to regulate unfair and deceptive practices, such as forcing an airline to pay a passenger four times the price of a ticket, capped at $1,350, if the passenger will arrive hours later than expected after being bumped.

But most of the nuts-and-bolts details of flying are left to airlines to determine with passengers through contracts of carriage. The deregulation act blocked most lawsuits over routes, pricing or services, Goldberg said.

Despite the length of the contracts, lawyers and aviation experts said travelers need to learn what is covered by the agreements and shop around. For example, Southwest Airlines typically doesn’t charge fees to change flights, while other airlines do.

“In order to have a marketplace that works, you need informed consumers,” Goldberg said. “An informed traveler will have options.”

Brent Bowen, dean of the aviation college at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s campus in Prescott, Ariz., said airlines risk confusion if they don’t provide more information about changes such as replacing staffers with kiosks to check luggage.

On his flight Tuesday, Bowen said the airline changed planes and assigned new seats to all passengers, separating family members and causing “lots of anger and chaos.”

“The airlines should volunteer to provide passengers information about their rights but they don’t,” Bowen said. “Without a requirement the traveling public will not be informed at the most critical times.”

All four of the largest airlines — American, Delta, Southwest and United — have contracts of carriage with similar provisions that allow for denial of boarding to passengers:

who are barefoot or not properly clothed
who have or cause a malodorous condition
who appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs to the degree that they could endanger other passengers or crew members.
who are unable to sit in a single seat with the seat belt properly secured or are unable to put down armrests between seats for an entire flight.
“There is no constitutional right to get on a plane,” said Anthony Sabino, a lawyer in Mineola, N.Y., and a professor at St. John’s University business school. “If you don’t want to be searched at the airport, take Amtrak, jump in your car.”

 United and America Airlines can remove you from a flight for dozens of reasons you agree to

United warns of the potential to deny boarding for an oversold flight even if a passenger doesn’t want to leave. The Sunday flight that caused outrage worldwide wasn’t oversold. However, it was sold out and United said it needed four seats for crew members to reach their next flights.

Still, Goldberg said airlines routinely oversell planes in order to fly them as full as possible.

“Anybody who goes to an airport doesn’t like being bumped,” Goldberg said. “But it’s the only way that the economic system of the airlines in this country can work. They can’t guarantee that everybody is going to have a seat when they want it because then they’d have a lot of empty airliners.”

Because of the length and complexity of the contracts, lawyers said a passenger could argue the airline was in a superior bargaining position and forced a passenger to sign. This is called a contract of adhesion. But lawyers say it typically doesn’t work with airline contracts of carriage.

“While that’s a legal theory and it’s valid, it does not work in these situations,” Sabino said. “You signed it. You’re stuck with it. If you didn’t read it first, that’s your problem.”

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